Elasticity LLC – Agile DevSecOps Cloud IT Services

Cyber-Hygiene Best Practices: Shift-Left Security

Cyber-Hygiene Best Practices: Shift-Left Security

In the realm of DevSecOps, the concept of “shifting left” refers to integrating security measures as early as possible within the development lifecycle. This approach not only mitigates risks but also reduces the cost and effort associated with addressing security issues later in the process. At Elasticity LLC, we prioritize this shift-left security strategy to enhance the cybersecurity posture of the legacy systems we modernize, ensuring they meet the rigorous demands of today’s threat landscape.

Integrating Cyber-Hygiene in the Initial Phases

1. Planning Phase:

  • Threat Modeling: Begin with comprehensive threat modeling to identify potential security vulnerabilities that could impact the system. This proactive measure helps in understanding the attack surface and guides the security measures needed throughout the development process.
  • Define Security Requirements: Alongside functional requirements, define specific security requirements that align with organizational security policies and regulatory compliance needs.


2. Coding Phase:

  • Secure Coding Practices: Implement secure coding standards that all developers must follow. This includes guidelines for handling data securely, avoiding common security pitfalls, and using coding frameworks that are known for their security features.
  • Code Review: Regular code reviews should be mandatory, focusing not just on the functionality but also on identifying potential security flaws. Automated tools, along with peer reviews, can significantly enhance this process.


3. Building Phase:

  • Automated Security Tools: Integrate automated security tools into the build process. These tools, such as static application security testing (SAST) and software composition analysis (SCA), can detect vulnerabilities early on.
  • Dependency Management: Use tools to ensure that only secure, up-to-date libraries and dependencies are used in the development process. Managing the security of these components is crucial to prevent vulnerabilities from external sources.


4. Testing Phase:

  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Complement static testing with dynamic testing, which tests the application in a running state and can identify runtime-specific vulnerabilities.
  • Penetration Testing: Schedule regular penetration testing to simulate attacks on the system and identify weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.

Best Practices for Shift-Left Security

  • Continuous Integration of Security Practices: Security should be a part of the daily routine, integrated into version control systems and continuous integration pipelines. This ensures that security checks occur automatically and frequently.
  • Security Training and Awareness: Developers and all involved in the software development lifecycle should receive ongoing training on the latest security threats and best practices. Awareness is a critical defense mechanism in cybersecurity.
  • Collaboration Between Teams: Encourage a culture where security and development teams collaborate closely. This collaboration fosters a more comprehensive approach to security, ensuring it is not viewed as a hindrance but as an integral part of the development process.

Prioritizing Early Security Integration

At Elasticity LLC, our commitment to shift-left security is a testament to our dedication to delivering not only functional but also highly secure software solutions. By embedding security early in the development process, we not only enhance the cybersecurity posture of our projects but also reduce the overall risk and cost associated with post-development security fixes.

Discover how Elasticity LLC can transform your cybersecurity approach from the ground up. Let’s build a secure digital future together, starting from the first line of code. Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive, forward-thinking cybersecurity solutions that prepare your systems to face today’s challenges and tomorrow’s threats.